wild onion fractal

Aggressively Focused!

is Biden dead?
they asked his iced body
the beast unleashed
on the rabid world

are his words his own?
the Shamanic priests of light
fill the thermal cavities
with prognosticator words
of soliloquy

the fame thread woven
the loose stories unravel
in the gloam of Midsummer's Eve
recorders of fact
congeal to packs
roving historians

the Star Chamber
convenes in silence
before the appearance
from wispy tendrils
of secret wavelengths
the hidden Magus
thrusts his being forth
claims the public power

i told the Sheriff my fears
i am right about everything
everything only exists
inside of ancient mirrors
built by the crystalline folk
millennia ago
he sighed then implied
that he does not have jurisdiction

cold truths the robot technology
fifty years ahead
of public knowledge
or that many of the rich and powerful
the elite genealogies
have been replaced
with genetic copy cyborgs
with lust in their processors
the power words over the weak
thoughts enact motive

Biden stumbles
Biden falls
Biden degrades
like the early generation robots
before him
his body died in January
2020 and they
.  kept
.  him
.  on ICE

.  the Dark Arts cast a shadow
.  against their psyche
.  the software bio-interface absorption
.  the permanent effects as remnants
.  long lost mechanical cells split
.  unto infinity