wild onion fractal

Dead Palm Tree

Player changes cape, limousine chlorine plankton Chinese active – bad action playing out midnight canyon moon on moss, huck the vegan joystick! Keep your powder dry for now, watch the technicals, wait, wait for it – nothing shiny pulse and pull, squatting beyond Arbeitskommandos – in improvised ghettos I smile away all the stuff, bruised hip bones from poorly executed tank machinations, sinewy tent heat reaching the limits of sacrificial balance. Balance! Yeah. It’s August, 1941. Creek science pulse between the purpose presence, pollen spore cream laser milt the Romance the Wood! Husky form in bulk, don’t touch it… Left the notes in the train, “vortex of bullets,” carried on malachite spines – Dził Nchaa Sí’an: Ompoasob here this earth, flowers of blood, restless peak. This, my soldiers, buffalo scream and swing – the living presence of wisdom rhythm; essence sequestered. Ashtanga Ketamine surfers what the swift flash, killer neon killer games.