Broken alchemist
promiscuous Greeker
you keep dying and dabbing
going gone Styrofoam pussy lines
whoop whoop great sphinx
heavy duty whoop gold
bandana veins on fire
my first Time
a prisoner’s comb
Marlboro headphones
and Tantric waffles
provoking the putrid
kissing the dry lips of dead Jesus
dead again plaid inspector
brushed wood trestles
espresso whiskey truffle
jumpsuit Camels
Somalian pajamas
the diamond high
(new paint won’t change the room)
innocence of a newspaper tooth
cremation of the missing limb
Babylon fracas
cesspool silence
I write it in thirds
with your mystery
chop N in the depths
static Hispanic fragrance
related, relaxed
writing between the writhing
Her seismic pupils swallow convenient rivers of Japanese misery.