wild onion fractal


ISON what are you giving Sun?

A cigar from M82, probation for Roche?

Your gas pushed into ejections
delivering the High

needle dance of moments on pavement
your dust tail holding Seeds of angels or demons
or the jackhammer sublime…

What package is wrapped in your ice?

ISON your heliocentric ecliptic
osculating elements your
spherical coma

no man woman child
knows why they stir and switch
drop the fork

bees and whales off course

Earth folk say you could be
brighter than their Moon

photometric monitors blush
at your arc

giggle by your coma

blinded by visions of unspeakable wilderness
in the Oort Cloud and flung pointed you ISON
riffed off a star and slogged
through the Kupfer belt

those Russians found you
sneaking to Sun whose
mass ejections flow to
a dying race

Revelation 6:12-13 did you know ISON
how they blamed your fleet
for Jerusalem for the end-times
for stumbling in the arroyos
crying Neptune?

we will meet in the Earth pre-dawn
my naked eye and your flaunt
past Mars in the eastern sky

screaming towards Sun.