I. About Russian overflow
wet deer glow dark red
casualties of the grid
electromagnetic suicide kids
by solar hooves, concrete pour
to triple pop rising She
longs for the coast
powershare antlers and
difficult camels notwithstanding
About the love of a
yielding horse its
uncertain hoof
its returning fever
anal Europe emits throttle
anal Europe emitting throttle
causation and index tracks!
angry Hessian running out of hummus
angry Hessian running out of hummus
this week’s Torah portion is Parashat Ki
Kozma’s axioms soothe like
a sex slave’s happy ending
in the Atlantic God chamber
skin tight glances
across muscle decks
backwards diseases
and heaving Korean ejections
with Jamaican respiration
another nostalgic determination
in sex
in foolery
in the cold morning of Jesus Christ
in outbound slaughterhouse shaves
and Hessian sewer artists
shooting cadaverine on the lips
of Seoul progeny, in boiling Jacuzzis
surrounded by Hilton stucco
sustainable sweat prophets
nervously touching the tomb
and profusely, profusely breaking records
saving the last for best death rattle
a Sochi palm cupping Haiti
altered forms
altered dermal prison comedy…
altered dermal prison comedy…
II. Welcome to the bullish ecstasy
a Jewish power kick
Japanese Haitian Swedish waxed!
Okay cement asphalt copper
Internet retardation; coming
for okay shooting come to this place
come all over Her spectral geometry
analytic spectometry the
rhythmic asshole of God in repose
Power to thine animalia
yoga frontal Lenny Bellows
SLO showers in LSD dawn
the new Beck and racist bliss
you helped us own this
you helped us own this
petite Caucasian slithering come force
do not text the grassy slope high
consumed Asian delicacies come down
do not not not not lather thine mane…
do not not not not lather thine mane…
III. Assassination
Euclid and the Bible
a most usual sense
a merciful hybrid
the love of a stranger
in rest area catacombs
No one sits very long at Buddy Bench
putting down pit bulls
caressing bloody antlers
with a velvet glove
soul bulb spinning
strobe anonymous
lion blood smooth
used old lore
blue light cancer spooling
dreams of parking lot iris
the overbooked biographical
the Satanic finger wash…
the Satanic finger wash…
IV. Slow sharks rotating in littoral zones
displacing megacounsels of cumulus plankton
relieving tides of neon waxing
of surging ravers atomic, green
living up to its reputation
another metamorphic neoplasm focused
on The Troops
inebriated palsy pigs
combing the sandy highway
for wayward louse
dead radio shudders
jockeys of the stinking filth
pet their anatomy o’er
porcelain corners, forgoing
global works of emerging saints
(dead radio crackles)
oligotrophic reservoir orgies
raising funds for hot wet pursing
pushing pulling no Russia
no teams
no posthypnotic territories
no puberty rituals
V. Slow down the inarguable
the shootout full of love
the double take Korean
ripping Her into sections
with quick chainsaw karate
first thought, best thought
finger move caress
fist and fire
We know around atomic vile
African collections of magic
no Magic just magic you must
eye the ink not only canyon whispers
(in skeleton remembering the hidden stash)
vortex head ballet
calming comfort bong!
calming comfort bong…
VI. In the room the size
of a Volkswagen
wreaking havoc
bubbling table glass
yummy slinker floating
cowgirl alien ghost funk
salamander streetlight prowling
all the sultry vagabonds
kundalini quadrants unveiled