Maniac assassin bring
Me the nadir I’m done
With festival lines
Map my naked conscience
With wings of oxygen
I heard it gets you out
Of the 9 to 5
The Secret eye haunts
Your flesh boredom
And slips between the
Absurd breasts of dreaming
Skinned iguanas
Rewrite the intellectual
Feline blob form integration
No I can’t be here
For you or everyone
Such sunken jelly Moons
bursting in monsoon arroyos
feathered ocean throats
The four-toed life
President pope Heinrich
Cointreau voting Paul
a black hole in a close binary
With hawking easy rider
Shivering brush
Gary Snyder shit
Breathing into fear
And atonal cutting
Sky entry
- (the erection sombrero)
- the fondness of strangers