wild onion fractal

Speed of Lichen

Bounding confidently
oh lily pad mistress
red purse, white slacks
turn down the TV

toe dancing in flats she carries the horde
honey oozing owning horror
water perfect sorting out nervous shadows
bounty of transient confidence buried under confidential fists

let’s try it one more time
cypress overdose
traffic white noise rising
outcome data word for dried juice
for urban assistants and gene harvests
paved soul tracks feeding
aped moves on the dizzy collapse

Back to prison rain.
Heart shaped bunkers
trapping spherical payload
no one notices not really whoring bitch
first pick, seven cards
scoring Delacroix thick in Malaga Bay
adding to your dictionary
African anonymous sex in musty library caves
scaling to green
shaving many of Lesbian

Big Smiles
Big Smiles

Software that the Australians don’t have to sign

daily grace at no vertigo
what he said at fifteen
out of the sand
exploited blade runners
holes in the studio
lace recovery such this wall
alleyway liar’s den drawn magnolia
drawn Ebola
dropshot prowess on deep sodium

Leon’s violent caress
four years of itching
time to drown in piss

sapphire banded shots

Into a doll’s world we reside calmly and expect nothing from guided imagery
Perfection unfolding in mandala afterbirth swirls

solstice reconstruction

still on earth
couldn’t pass the medical

Still burgeoning in thriving paralysis
marginal assimilation
eminently swirling
extensive crankshaft records
Head cocked hard to get
fearless of pigs in blackness
two mens too much this wailing force
pawn takes queen
wings of angular platinum
strategy of dynamic repair, modified to stay

more information
giving rise to errors
led around by serpent whores
blinded owls
and bathtub Islam
what’s in the room it will. Male companion 46751 closed to ground traffic, 26354, stealing pig bogs in blackness
rescued pitiful

Fred in Corona
glowing coffin

Give me a chance
just one stroke on the hen’s neck
her acne shooting down that flowing section of Light

(Joey’s dad be able plus no problem
sucking hard on Pope there’s awful sin and wagers which dug them pad rich down did you have any tricks and Lebanese the chain paragraph is the detection and the Sinewy world well posted)

and while die hard bosses trade bountiful brunette slaves

and as mysterious scars run

here we upset the vortex.