AMERICANÂ chrysanthemums litter the washing stones
lining the edge of the alley ancient cul-de-sac. A wild hack
at the throat of the trunk, a wild yell aimed
at the floating center of the CREATOR.
GOD focus eye energies outward. An electric
spectrum constricts, then swells.
We are ancient chatterers verdant in bloom.
The smells of rainbow dynamos, cylinders, and depth.
HER eyes, the eyes of event horizon, I can see her naked
intention. Function of fevers on the awakened mind. This
entropy a fixed, fundamental constriction. Their shivers their
movements betray their information SOURCE. Quick account,
future of past, past of future shows quantum entanglement
theory. A soft mating ritual witnessed by assembled MASTERS,
acolytes, plebeians, the caricatures of soul driven zombie
night TERRORS. The remote view from watch post a crystalline
nucleus galaxy explosion that shatters