Wet rags wrapped around logs
converted into mocking beats
of thunder drowned
diffused to darkness OU Horse
instinct void silhouette
“Let’s try the other side the
savages in creeks yellow as fur,
a white lantern,” the daughters
are placed into the ground,
girls to dance on earth
every bed in spite of great trees
watering thirsty mules
light burned
everything about us and what
was no barrier of time or space for
awaiting us, what was working
at all omniscience the rhythms of
prime command life shapes
going on in the universe
here for us to see
done by no saints
on the hill of vision
Today there is a type of happening
testify with transformed blood
and transmute that spontaneous Snake
rain members of this ceremony
otherworld snakes UO Powers
foot ritual, move lightning
violent hawk
chimera falling
from carcass saddle
to find hands were home
mitted back to the Being
of swollen feet
“Just restored the home
of men with ashes, liniment dream,”
from saturated horse
the first time in his thunder
trunk bursts into flames
sudden, violent suffering
Tanco OU you can oh up wuh you
reach the neck chest head
the basic rhythm
burned and scraped until I
tell you thickness remains.