wild onion fractal

Wanderlust for The Path


a prayer for the moment of death:

Breath   Enter   Immortal   Wind


Revelation of Consciousness

the mythical-ness of numbers (base TEN is an illusion)

(combine the pithiness of Truman Capote and the mad humor of Sam Clemens,

you have Snoopy) – (this list is really endless until the realization

that there is no counting – there is only spectral association)

In (that ego asserts itself)

Traveling (movement) (relativity) far with scientific discovery,

mysticism becomes central to observed reality

The unveiling of Cycles

Incoming Ramadan – pigs screaming in Hebrew

Draughts of Pure Knowledge

Intimate joining – levels of vibrational planes – Orgone – Ether

Of that Some of Things are Negative (Positive)

<interlude> inside jet East of Sierras – ten miles north of Tonopah

pilot referencing Area 51 in the distance – disseminating Alien geo-cache knowledge

The Choice of Polarity

we need to build a prayer wheel that is forty-six miles in diameter

shells, crushed skull fragments as VERY powerful


Wanderlust for the Path

the ancient waters of the Sea of Azov seethe

right hand swishing circles

in the Black Sea

Recognition of Infinite Waveform

handful of crack clusters

salty lips of pure snarling empathy

brushed liquid on hype

Breath, Light, Will

dervish cannabinoid

daunting unguent insert slurping pipes a last ditch grapple

intermittent against fury (voice of the Christ

outside of Damascus shrill – enraged)


Breath   Enter   Immortal   Wind